Money matters! Spend it wisely! We help build bespoke software products on budget and on time, all in a cost-effective manner. Just like everything else in life, all custom software projects are not equal either. They differ based on not only individual software development companies but also the following high-level characteristics
Factors Impacting Bespoke Software Development Costs
Technical Complexity
If your software projects are scientifically complex, it would add a lot to your software cost. Complexity could be a real-time collaboration between users of the app, video functionality with no lag, process flows with a lot of dependencies etc.
- Platform Choice
- Complex Business Logic
- Technology Stack
- Size of User Base
Custom Design
Custom user interfaces are rather complex to implement for the development team, so the cost of a custom interface will be higher than the cost of an interface built from standard components or with no design at all.
- Advanced Personalization
- High-Fidelity Prototypes
- Avant-Garde Layouts
- Micro- Animations
Third-party Integrations
If your software projects are scientifically complex, it would add a lot to your software cost. Complexity could be a real-time collaboration between users of the app, video functionality with no lag, process flows with a lot of dependencies etc.
- Comprehensive Customization
- Secure Payment Integration
- Geolocation Integration
- Data Migration
Features & Functionalities
The number of features you want is the biggest cost driver. Screens, buttons, fields involved, and the amount of logic required can cause the custom software cost to change drastically.
- Number of Screens
- Real-Time Updates
- Security Compliance
- Push Notifications
The actual cost for custom software depends on many factors and can only be scoped after a detailed discovery exercise with you. Take a look at some indicative pricing for different types of software systems based on their scope, complexity, team size, and time duration. On average, the cost of custom software, based on these factors, could fall in the following three ranges.
Small Project
Medium-Sized Project
Large Project
In order to provide you with an accurate and realistic estimate for your project’s development cost, there are a few things we need from you.
Product Idea
Feature List
Technical Specifications
References of Competitors
Contact Tiqnia Solutions
Tiqnia Solutions software development company. Dealing with organisations that are small, big and everything in between Working in agile manner. Handling projects from different stages to a full end to end solution build. Not from a technology mindset but a product mindset. We don’t just deliver code we deliver solutions that meets the required needs. Collaborative approach of working with our clients at every step